For over 80 years, we have been working with all our strength, delivering tens of thousands of products from 45 factories to many parts of the world and making not just food but also happiness in our production plants.
We share the experience we have gained over the years with a broader audience through our investment partnerships in various companies, creating sustainable value for all our stakeholders as an industry leader.
Since 1944, our companies and all our business operations have been managed based on our working principles including business ethics, integrity, hard work. Along with these permanent principles, the global values of Yıldız Holding, which are updated in accordance with the needs and expectations of our age, guide us in every step we take.
Structured around the three pillars, Working for the Future of the Environment, Growing Stonger with Stakeholders, Inspiring with Purpose – Led Products, our sustainability approach constitutes an integral part of our global values. We take sustainability as a basis not only in the environmental sense, but also in all aspects of our business from finance to governance, from social contribution to production. Driven by our «Waste-Free Company» model and «Make Happy Be Happy» philosophy, we always aim for sustainability, both in our daily operations and in our social responsibility activities.
Driven by the goal of empowerment of women and providing equality of opportunity in the business world, we believe that it is our responsibility to lead the way with the mission “We support equality of opportunity for a better future.»
The key factor that contributed to the success of Yıldız Holding is the dedication and hard work of our employees at all levels. This outstanding dedication and hard work are shaped by the strategy set forth by our managers and are reinforced by the experience of our top management.
Vice Chair - CEO
Member of the Board of Directors
Global Head of Legal Affairs – Member of the Board of Directors
Global Head of Internal Audit and Risk Management – Member of the Board of Directors
Member of the Board of Directors & Transformation and Technology Leader
Member of the Board of Directors